Benefits of Laser Hair Removal

How Laser Hair Removal works

Benefits of Laser Hair Removal

Traditional methods of hair removal, such as shaving, waxing and tweezing are effective methods of removing hair, But they are time consuming, painful and don’t provide a long-term solution to unwanted hair, not to mention the nicks, bumps and ingrown hairs that often occur with these hair removal methods. Laser hair removal has quickly become one of the most popular and effective methods of getting rid of unwanted hair for both men and women. Here are a few of the benefits of having laser hair removal at Divine Laser & Spa and not having to shave anymore.

How Does Laser Hair Removal Work?

Body hair grows in three stages; anagen stage, telogen stage and catagen stage. Laser hair removal treatment is the most effective on hairs that are in the active growth phase (the anagen stage). Laser hair removal uses a concentrated, precise light beam that is only targeted at the follicle. The laser is converted into heat, which destroys the follicle, without affecting the surrounding skin. Once the follicle has been destroyed, it will not grow back.

Are Laser Hair Removal Treatments Safe?

The treatments at Divine Laser & Spa in Ormond Beach are FDA approved and have been used in the United States for over 20 years. It is completely safe and virtually painless. The procedure is safe for both men and women on almost all areas of the body, including the chest, face, lip, sideburns, stomach, chin, bikini area, legs and back.

Treatments are Quick and Easy

Laser hair removal is a treatment that can be done during your lunch break at Divine Laser & Spa in Ormond Beach and you could still leave time to grab a bite to eat. The laser is made to target small groups of hair at the same time. Depending on the area being treated, the process can take anywhere from a few minutes for the upper lip to 30-minutes for larger areas. There is no need to take time away from your usual activities and unlike there with waxing there is no sticky film left behind, so you can return your regular activities immediately following a treatment.

It’s Cost-Effective

Razors, shaving cream, waxes and depilatory creams are expensive, especially when you have to buy them once or twice each week. Yet, one of the reasons may people hesitate to have laser hair removal treatments is because they are concerned about the cost. It may seem like the treatment is more costly than waxing or shaving, but it is a cost-effective treatment, because you will eventually no longer have to buy the supplies needed for traditional hair removal methods. Also, the cost of laser hair removal treatments have decreased in cost, but the cost of waxing has increased and the results are much better than waxing.

Eliminate Ingrown Hairs/ Ingrown Hair Removal

One of the worst things that come about with shaving and waxing is ingrown hairs. When hair does grow back after laser removal treatments, it is more sparse and fine, which significantly reduces the chance of having ingrown hairs. Laser hair removal is also an excellent option for people that have sensitive skin and/or experience skin irritations with shaving and waxing.

No Hair Growth Between Treatments

Unlike waxing that requires you to grow hair back between the treatments, with laser hair removal; you can shave between treatments, so there you no longer have to worry about unsightly regrowth. The hair that does grow back during laser hair removal treatments is finer and lighter in color, so it’s easier to manage.

Permanently Reduce Body Hair

Laser hair removal treatments will permanently reduce body hair. Although there is no scientific proof that the treatments will remove all body hair, the treatments have been shown to be the most effective in permanently reducing body hair by as much as 95%. Most people report that after a series of laser hair removal sessions, there is a significant reduction in the amount of regrowth.

Because everyone has a different level of pain tolerance, the level of pain varies for each person. However, most people claim the treatment is virtually pain-free and compare it to the feeling of snapping a rubber band on your skin. The pain factor is also dependent on the area of the body being treated, because some areas tend to be more sensitive than others. If you decide laser hair removal is the right treatment for you, there are few things you will need to do to prepare for the session. It is generally recommended that for at least six weeks before your treatment date, you should not pluck, wax or undergo any type of treatment that interferes with the follicle. During your initial consultation at the Divine Laser & Spa serving Ormond Beach, Port Orange and Daytona Beach, you will receive more details on how to prepare for your sessions. Read more at Divine Laser Hair Removal

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